Boost chatbot performance through data

Harness the power of your own conversational data to take a data-driven approach to monitor, launch, and optimize your bot program

Performance Management
Data-First Deployment
Model Optimization
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Most bot programs fail

Something about not taking a data-driven approach bla bla

Data challenges

Not enough data (transcripts to inform bot development), too much data (manual data extraction), and poor data quality (lack of proper insights)

Reason #2
Manual processes

Manually reviewing transcripts and determining how to optimize bot performance leads to wasted resources

Reason #3
Difficulty quantifying ROI to business

Without data-driven metrics & KPIs, most teams find it challenging to evolve from innovation to business critical


Dashbot supports you through all stages of your Continuous A.I. Improvement journey

Deploying Conversational A.I. in your organization is not a checklist. It is a flywheel that leverages data, insights, automation, reporting, and optimization in a never-ending improvement journey.

Dashbot delivers concrete R.O.I.
time reduction

to launch a new bot use case (shortened to 2 weeks!)

increased engagement

with self-service experiences in 1 year

increased FTE efficiency

for data scientists & NLP managers

saved annually

in bot program management costs (1M bot messages per month)


Increase reporting efficiency & impact

Unify your organization through a centralized data hub with real-time updates and reports to track chatbot performance, blend data sources, monitor success KPIs, and set alerts of underperforming KPIs.


Understand your full customer journey

The only tool purpose-built for visualizing and understanding the full user journey from conversations. Quickly assess the most common flows, points of frustration, anamolies and more with the ability to drill down to the transcript-level.


Generate intents & training data

Automatically extract topics, intents, training phrases, entities and more from your own historical data to launch new bot initiatives in a fraction of the time through a data-driven approach.


Supercharge your NLP Optimization

Using advanced data science techniques & purpose-built visualizations, easily & continuously improve your bot's NLP model with data-driven recommendations and performance monitoring.

Get started with Dashbot

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